The 3 Bodies™ Retreats

Each Retreat is Uniquely Different

Bees and Monks

Forest Bathing

Vortexes of Tuscany

Sound, experience and frequency combined with guided tours by historians and practitioners that offer a fulcrum where those in search to reconnect to their original grid and to seek a resourceful and safe fulcrum can explore Florence, and the surrounding areas (monasteries, sounding and unwinding practices at the seaside, reset of the fulcrum at monuments and masterpieces where miracles of ressurrection where documented (Renaissance Masters like Masaccio, Da Vinci, and more).

Family Constellation in the forests where monasteries where built.

Monuments, art of the empaths in renaissance.

For practitioners, lay people, and people with chronic issues whom are seeking to reconnect with their original grid to plug back into the self regulation mechanism that may have experienced frequencies of injury in diagnostic languaging.

The idea is that someone can stand in front of Michaelangelo’s David and reconnect to the master of the anatomy as was created by the greatest empaths of the Renaissance who understood.

Biodynamic farming & cuisine

Unwinding in labyrinths

Touching the bees and restoring in the cloud of pheromones that they release to ignite and extinguish the fight or flight response that loops in the body.

Includes tours, experiences, sessions with practitioners, course material (when applicable,) and two (biodynamic meals.)

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